Forbes Africa
Published 3 weeks ago
At a time when science remains the only hope for humanity against a vindictive virus, the spotlight continues to be on those working tirelessly on the frontline. As the world observes international women’s day on March 8, FORBES AFRICA examines some of these intrepid women leading the charge with their services and solutions, combating dark nights and even darker days through the COVID-19 pandemic.
WITHOUT A DOUBT, COVID-19 HAS EXACERBATED gender inequalities and deepened the chasm for women, as they continue to be disproportionately affected by the pandemic. These unprecedented times have highlighted raging issues around poverty, gender-based violence, and femicide. But these disruptive times have also brought into sharp focus the pioneering work of women in science, medicine, technology, and healthcare. A 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) report,