Read more about April 4, 1953, in the archives. 100 Years Ago: 1923 The second annual banquet of the Business and Professional Women’s club was held at the DeWitt last evening, 69 attended. Miss Rose D. Nealley was toastmistress, and those who responded were Mrs. Kitty Barker, Miss Lilli Herling, Miss Mabel S. Merrill, […]
100 Years Ago: 1923 The second annual banquet of the Business and Professional Women’s club was held at the DeWitt last evening, 69 attended. Miss Rose D. Nealley was toastmistress, and those who responded were Mrs. Kitty Barker, Miss Lilli Herling, Miss Mabel S. Merrill, Miss Carrie Wills, Mrs. E. E. Parker and Dr. Lucy […]
To greet with praise the listening skies. From an ode by Mabel S. Merrill, an 1891 Bates College graduate, sung during the dedication of the chapel in 1914.
LEWISTON On a chilly November afternoon in 1912, Bates President George Colby Chase dedicated the cornerstone of what would become the college’s chapel.
A small section of the large window facing the congregation.
Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal
He told the audience of students, professors and residents that “eminent and skillful architects” had designed an English Collegiate Gothic-style chapel that would be “commodious, beautiful in outline, harmonious in details and enduring as our New England hills.”