Al fin, un finde de verano
Un domingo radiante, con cielos azules y más de treinta grados, abarrota playas, piscinas y ríos para dar la bienvenida a una estación que se ha hecho de rogar: “Ya era hora de que llegara”
Carlos Rodríguez se lanza al agua en la playa de Salinas, impulsado por Hugo Fernández, Hugo Pérez y Sara Felgueroso. | Miki López Sara D. RIESGO / Pablo PALOMO / Micaela FERNÁNDEZ /Ramón DÍAZ Oviedo / Gijón / Avilés / Llanes | 19·07·21 | 04:01 | Actualizado a las 11:57 Después de remolonear durante casi un mes, el verano irrumpió sin llamar en Asturias y dejó al pasar, al fin, un fin de semana de julio de los de verdad, de playa llena y calor sofocante, de atasco y más de treinta grados. Ayer hizo otra vez, como el sábado,
Retired VOA TV Director Supports Trump: ‘We Believe in Godly Values’ December 13, 2020 Updated: December 13, 2020
WASHINGTON Lisa Stancik, a retired TV Director at Voice of America, and her husband, Abel Arias, a small business owner, have lived in Maryland for 40 years.
“We voted for Trump because we believe in godly morals, but we’re here not just for that,” Stancik said while attending the Trump rally in Washington on Saturday, Dec. 12. “We are very concerned about the immoral actions by the Democratic platform. … They are opening the doors to socialism on all levels, and we cannot stand for that.”
Taking immigration as an example, Stancik said that her grandparents and husband are all immigrants. “We’re all for immigration, as long as it’s legal. Now illegals are allowed to vote, dead people are allowed to vote.”