21/05/2022 - CANNES 2022: The first film directed by Jasmine Trinca takes a personal approach to a strained mother-daughter relationship, offering a nod to silent film
21/05/2022 - CANNES 2022: A little girl loves her mother who loves her dog in this first film directed by Jasmine Trinca, a movie taking a personal approach to a strained mother-daughter relationship and offering a nod to silent film
21/05/2022 - CANNES 2022: The first film directed by Jasmine Trinca takes a personal approach to a strained mother-daughter relationship, offering a nod to silent film
04/05/2022 - The French sales agent will be wagering on Jasmine Trinca’s Marcel!, Mikko Myllylahti’s The Woodcutter Story and Annie Ernaux and David Ernaux-Briot’s The Super 8 Years
04/05/2022 - The French sales agent will be wagering on Jasmine Trinca’s Marcel!, Mikko Myllylahti’s The Woodcutter Story and Annie Ernaux and David Ernaux-Briot’s The Super 8 Years