Marathi actor Sanjay Patil, known for the show Sukh Mhanje Nakki Kay Asta, and his wife welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on the occasion of Holi.
After the resounding success of the first ever BIG Marathi Entertainment Awards last year, BIG FM, one of the leading radio networks in the country, is all set for the second edition of the awards that felicitates the best of Marathi television indus
Maadhavi Nemkar, Prajakta Mali, Anita Date Kelkar And Others Capture Fitness And Friendships Of Marathi Celebrities All In One Frame
The weekend was all about yoga and fitness for the fantastic four; Maadhavi Nemkar, Prajakta Mali, Anita Date Kelkar, and Suhas Sirsat.
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Well since the lockdown has been lifted, it is all about being fit and healthy for most of the Marathi actors who are seen hitting the gyms and doing various outdoor fitness activities. Joining this bandwagon is none other than the actress Maadhavi Nemkar who is known to be one of the fitness and health freaks in showbiz.