Watch the rain to the south of us, Lehigh Valley, berks county Lancaster County right now to see if this holds together, and enters the philadelphia area. So little damp outside right now. You will feel it not seeing as many problems with fog, millville reduced visibility, there pottstown, as well. But it is not a big deal. Not dense fog or anything, 45 degrees mount pocono, at 50 in reading, ooh in trenton, these temperatures not too much different than they were yesterday. Fortynine Atlantic City, and here in philadelphia, it is 52 degrees with 86 relative humidity, not far from sunrise time, a 43 00, these are the longest days of the year. Those days leading up to the first day of summer in june. So, we will enjoy that part of it, anyway, but still below average temperatures, should be at 74 degrees, we will get, we think, to 66, with increasing sunshine as the day goes along. And sunset time is 8 12. So, with that afternoon phillies game we got to remember about that traffic on i95
Set in 1926, featuring Nellie Croker, grand dame of London’s Soho who runs an empire of nightclubs and bars, based on Kate Meyrick who was fictionalized as Ma Mayfield in