Up next on a second look, the Super Bowl Ads weve known and love. Remember this one . Frog. Bull. What about this one . Were going to take you on a tour of superbowl advertising over the last two decade. Its straight ahead on a second look. Hello everyone im frank somerville. The super bowl has become a true cultural event. It sometimes seems like the television is outlooking for commercials. Theres a group that comes out to watch the game and not looking for the new years ads over the past 15 years or so. We start with bob shaw with Super Bowl Ads of 1997. Budweiser, the company that previously used frogs to prove how irresponsible its beer is now has other phraebs this turtle does not have a drinking problem because aeug yells steal bird. At first i thought this ad was going to tell us responsible animals antedrink and drive but this is a very intivetive search back in for reasoning. What an increditable view. Oh yeahs in in other address mall. Another dog embarrasses his master. Is