politicsnation tonight s lead, the turnin point. right now, donald trump is huddling with his attorneys in florida. and getting together his defense for possible crimina indictment they could come as early a next week according to the new york times for people with knowledge of the matter have said, hi lawyers say they have no plans to meet with the manhattan district attorney s office after prosecutors invited trum to testify before a grand jury next week about the hush money payments majoring his 2016 presidential campaign to actor damage stormy daniels. years after and alleged sexual in a fair. which trump has denied former chunk fixer michael cohen, who served time i prison for charges relate to those hush money payments, met with prosecutors for the 20t and final time yesterday ahead of his grand jur appearance on next week. meanwhile, current trump attorney joe tackett pinot tol nbc news this weekend, his client is an extortion victim. and that neither of them believe c
nomination in your backyard, congresswoman. what sense do you get from florida voters as to who has the momentum this time, and wh will democrats be facing nex year in your judgment? well, reverend al, i thin it is important to note. i just gave a press conference with my dear friend florid congressman woman gabb giffords where we were comin together with parkland parents who had lost their children in the marjory stoneman douglas shooting to vehemently oppose the carrier the permit-less carr gun legislation that rhond senses is trying to jam throug the legislature the session. and is about to reach th floor. and 62% of republicans i florida, overwhelmingly oppose that legislation and yet, they are going to ram it through doing the bidding of the m are a. and that is the same type of opposition that the rest of th agenda faces republicans, floridians,