Must be taken by women. Were forced to face casualties at the front, but never again as during 1943 can one woman quit without two being hired. Theres no time to be spent in the constant training of new replacements. Without the help of additional thousands of women, we cannot build the mountains of materiel consumed in global invasion. We cannot make good the millions of manhours and womanhours that are lost in a fleeting second of smoke and flame. As long as the nazi cancer exists anywhere in the world, this is also a womans war. To be waged so that no woman shall ever again clutch a starved baby to her breast. So that no woman anywhere shall ever be the slave of a fascist state that makes her no more than a brood mare. That is why the women of america like the men at their side must flock toward jobs and stick to those jobs until that day when an end has come to the devastation of the earth. When men again may safely go down to the sea. That day when peace has come once more to all
Must be taken by women. Were forced to face casualties at the front, but never again as during 1943 can one woman quit without two being hired. Theres no time to be spent in the constant training of new replacements. Without the help of additional thousands of women, we cannot build the mountains of materiel consumed in global invasion. We cannot make good the millions of manhours and womanhours that are lost in a fleeting second of smoke and flame. As long as the nazi cancer exists anywhere in the world, this is also a womans war. To be waged so that no woman shall ever again clutch a starved baby to her breast. So that no woman anywhere shall ever be the slave of a fascist state that makes her no more than a brood mare. That is why the women of america like the men at their side must flock toward jobs and stick to those jobs until that day when an end has come to the devastation of the earth. When men again may safely go down to the sea. That day when peace has come once more to all
Must be taken by women. Were forced to face casualties at the front, but never again as during 1943 can one woman quit without two being hired. Theres no time to be spent in the constant training of new replacements. Without the help of additional thousands of women, we cannot build the mountains of materiel consumed in global invasion. We cannot make good the millions of manhours and womanhours that are lost in a fleeting second of smoke and flame. As long as the nazi cancer exists anywhere in the world, this is also a womans war. To be waged so that no woman shall ever again clutch a starved baby to her breast. So that no woman anywhere shall ever be the slave of a fascist state that makes her no more than a brood mare. That is why the women of america like the men at their side must flock toward jobs and stick to those jobs until that day when an end has come to the devastation of the earth. When men again may safely go down to the sea. That day when peace has come once more to all