Japan's transport ministry has cancelled its blanket ban on new reservations for inbound flights and asked airlines to accommodate the needs of returning Japanese, a senior government spokesperson said on Thursday.
Britain imposed a new wave of sanctions on Belarusian individuals and entities, including an asset freeze on one of the world's largest potash fertiliser producers, OJSC Belaruskali.
Israel on Thursday urged world powers to halt nuclear talks with Iran immediately, citing a U.N. watchdog's announcement that Tehran has started producing enriched uranium with more advanced centrifuges.
Mexico's government and business groups have agreed to increase the daily minimum wage next year by 22%, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday, taking another small step toward addressing Mexico's vast wealth disparity.
Mexico said on Wednesday it would not expel asylum seekers who are in Mexico awaiting court hearings in the United States, after Washington accepted its humanitarian concerns about the restart of a Trump-era program to send back migrants.