but that might be the least revolutionary thing about lyric. lyric can be worn 24/7 for up to four months, without battery changes. call 1-800-411-7040 for a risk-free trial. cookie: there s absolutely no way anyone can see it even if they get right up to my ear. michael: wake up, go to sleep.showering, running, all your activities. lyric can also give you exceptionally clear, natural sound in quiet and noisy environments because of how it works with your ear s own anatomy. can your hearing aid do all this? lyric can. to learn more about lyric s advanced technology, call 1-800-411-7040 or visit trylyric.com for a risk-free 30 day trial offer and free dvd and brochure. get the hearing aid that can. lyric from phonak. lyric can.
can your hearing aid do all this? lyric can. to learn more about lyric s advanced technology, call 1-800-411-7040 or visit trylyric.com for a risk-free 30 day trial offer and free dvd and brochure. get the hearing aid that can. lyric from phonak. lyric can.
but that might be the least revolutionary thing about lyric. lyric can be worn 24/7 for up to four months, without battery changes. call 1-800-414-5999 for a risk-free trial. cookie: there s absolutely no way anyone can see it even if they get right up to my ear. michael: wake up, go to sleep.showering, running, all your activities. lyric can also give you exceptionally clear, natural sound in quiet and noisy environments because of how it works with your ear s own anatomy. can your hearing aid do all this? lyric can. to learn more about lyric s advanced technology, call 1-800-414-5999 or visit trylyric.com for a risk-free 30 day trial offer and free dvd and brochure. get the hearing aid that can. lyric from phonak. lyric can. we re going to continue our live coverage of the george
i ve got revigor. what s revigor? it s the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! can youlyric can.aid do this? lyric can. lyric can. lyric by phonak is the world s only 24/7, 100% invisible hearing device. it s tiny.
100% invisible hearing device. it s tiny. but that might be the least revolutionary thing about lyric. lyric can be worn 24/7 for up to four months, without battery changes. call 1-800-414-5999 for a risk-free trial. cookie: there s absolutely no way anyone can see it even if they get right up to my ear. michael: wake up, go to sleep.showering, running, all your activities. lyric can also give you exceptionally clear, natural sound in quiet and noisy environments because of how it works with your ear s own anatomy. can your hearing aid do all this? lyric can. to learn more about lyric s advanced technology, call 1-800-414-5999 or visit trylyric.com for a risk-free 30 day trial offer and free dvd and brochure. get the hearing aid that can. lyric from phonak. lyric can.