CARSON CITY – Nevada and Georgia tied as the two states with the highest entrepreneurial activity rates in the country, according to the “Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity,” a leading indicator of new business creation in the United States.
The Carson City Intuitive Center is a branch of the Reno Psychic Institute. We are a safe place to explore your psychic abilities without having to go to Reno. Carson City Intuitive Center offers classes, healings, and readings right here in Carson City.
A University of Nevada, Reno mechanical engineering professor, Feifei Fan, recently filed a 49-page document full of allegations of “sexual slavery”, assault, abuse and misconduct. To read the full story, click here.
Sierra Academy of Style is hosting a safe trick or treat event located at our main campus at 1851 S Roop St no. 100 from 12p to 3p. Dress up the kids and come down for some awesome fun!! We ll have face painting and multiple doors to knock on which have their own theme!!