Fifty5 Rivers becomes climate neutral certified
By London Bishop -
FAIRBORN Fifty5 Rivers Cold Brew has joined 229 other brands in becoming Climate Neutral Certified, a distinction offered to a group of businesses that have measured and offset their 2020 carbon emissions.
Climate Neutral’s certification is based on internationally recognized standards of carbon measurement, neutrality, and offsetting. Each brand must measure their greenhouse gas emissions along their entire supply chain for the prior calendar year. Brands then buy verified “carbon credits” to offset their entire footprint. These credits are directly invested into international sustainability projects such as forest conservation, renewable energy, and carbon capture technologies. Finally, companies commit to a plan to cut future emissions within a 12-24 month timeline, reporting progress on those plans annually. All of the brand’s data is publicly available on Climate Neutral�
Fifty5 Riverrs becomes climate neutral certified
By London Bishop -
FAIRBORN Fifty5 Rivers Cold Brew has joined 229 other brands in becoming Climate Neutral Certified, a distinction offered to a group of businesses that have measured and offset their 2020 carbon emissions.
Climate Neutral’s certification is based on internationally recognized standards of carbon measurement, neutrality, and offsetting. Each brand must measure their greenhouse gas emissions along their entire supply chain for the prior calendar year. Brands then buy verified “carbon credits” to offset their entire footprint. These credits are directly invested into international sustainability projects such as forest conservation, renewable energy, and carbon capture technologies. Finally, companies commit to a plan to cut future emissions within a 12-24 month timeline, reporting progress on those plans annually. All of the brand’s data is publicly available on Climate Neutral�
Year In Review: Cold brew connections
By London Bishop -
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is one in a series on how Fairborn small businesses have weathered and persevered through 2020. If you own a Fairborn business and would like to be featured in this series, contact London Bishop at
FAIRBORN LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman is often quoted as saying “Starting a company is jumping off a cliff and assembling the airplane on the way down.” One could say, therefore, that starting a company in the middle of a global pandemic is like doing the above, but both the engines are on fire and construction materials consist of balsa wood and tissue paper.