Prof. Fields good afternoon. We are going to talk about jean harris. We are going to talk about this case in a couple of different sections. First, we will talk about the case itself. As we talk about this case, i want you to keep two things in the back of your mind. We will come back at the end of class to talk about these. The first is, i want you to think about how this case is both similar and different from the Lizzie Borden murder trials from 1893. About 100 years earlier. The second is a question of, why do you want know who is a board is, and raise your hand if you heard about the jean harris murder trial before this class. You had all heard of Lizzie Borden, right . I want to talk about why some cases remain more famous than others. Especially because everybody talks about cases as if they are this case of the century, the trial of the century. We will begin with opening statements. The reason we are doing that is that most of america really got to know our alleged perpetrator