One small step toward fixing Alaska’s rigged system of wildlife management Author: Bill Sherwonit Published 2 hours ago
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Print article Alaska’s wildlife management system is rigged and it shows little, if any, sign of changing. Still, there’s always hope that Alaska’s system will one day be transformed into something that more closely reflects the values of most Alaska residents, though I’m less and less confident it will happen in my lifetime. One small step in that direction would be for the Alaska Legislature to deny Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s appointment of Lynn Keogh Jr. to the Alaska Board of Game (BOG). Another step this one even more critical to substantial, long-term change would be the confirmation of someone who’s not primarily a hunter, trapper or big-game hunting guide. Someone, in short, who would give the seven-member board a teensy bit more balance, as state regulations mandate, but state politicians routinely ignore.