The Martha s Vineyard Times
Gardens of Love: Lynn Weber
Grounded during the pandemic.
A garlic bed with 150 sprouting cloves. Valerie Sonnenthal
Kale leaves peek out from under the blue tarp. Valerie Sonnenthal
Lynn Weber uncovers her bed of carrots. Valerie Sonnenthal
Lynn shows off a freshly dug winter carrot in the morning sun. Valerie Sonnenthal
Lynn shows me freshly dug turmeric. Valerie Sonnenthal
Close-up of turmeric. Valerie Sonnenthal
Parsley, which will be left to go to seed. Valerie Sonnenthal
Stalks of winter borage. Valerie Sonnenthal
One of Ginnie McClure s birdhouses atop a garden fence post. Valerie Sonnenthal
Another one of Ginnie McClure s birdhouses atop a garden fence post. Valerie Sonnenthal