Holding on to these beliefs could be holding you back from realizing your dreams. With high interest rates and even higher housing prices scaring many people away from the thought of purchasing a home any time soon, strong narratives and beliefs around home buying in general continue to swirl around the cultural conversation. While some believe they’ll never be able to afford a home, others believe it’s the ultimate end goal and indicator of true financial success. Though every person’s situatio
We asked some of our contributing financial experts to tell us about real estate investing trends they’re seeing and how investors might jump on board.
We asked some of our contributing financial experts to tell us about real estate investing trends they’re seeing right now and how investors might jump on board. Deciding how to invest in real estate can sometimes seem complex and overwhelming, especially when you don’t know what’s hot and what’s not. So we at Kiplinger.com asked some of the financial experts among our Building Wealth contributors and Kiplinger Advisor Collective members to answer, in a few sentences, this question:What is one c
Some of our favorite advisers take a walk down memory lane to share with readers the financial advice that’s made a big difference in their lives. We at Kiplinger.com asked some financial advisers among our Building Wealth contributors and Kiplinger Advisor Collective members to share, in a few sentences, the best piece of financial advice they’ve been given over the years. How to Find a Financial Adviser Their answers are inspired by books that made them stop and think and pointers their family