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12 known victims of Fred and Rose West - including their children. (PA) Evidence of a suspected victim of Fred West has been found by a film crew at a café in Gloucester. A dog was recently taken to the site by a TV documentary team which is said to have shown a positive reaction in the basement. 53 years after the disappearance, Gloucestershire Police said they had found evidence that a body could be buried within The Clean Plate café in Southgate Street, Gloucester, and are linking it to the disappearance of 15-year-old Mary Bastholm.
A police tent outside The Clean Plate cafe in Southgate Street, Gloucester.. (PA)
Police dig for new Fred West victim Mary Bastholm, 15, under cafe where she worked as waitress
Updated: 11 May 2021, 16:15
Invalid Date,
POLICE are today digging under a cafe for the remains of a missing 15-year-old girl feared murdered by serial killer Fred West 53 years ago.
Schoolgirl Mary Bastholm was last seen on 6 January 1968 waiting for a bus to go and see her boyfriend.
Officers confirmed it is being searched in relation to Mary s disappearanceCredit: The Sun
She is believed to have been offered a lift by serial killer Fred West and then murdered.
Mary s body has never been found with her parents tragically passing away before discovering what happened to their daughter.
Family of Fred West victim Mary Bastholm hope for closure at last as police search basement of café where she worked aged 15 in 1968 - after Sir Trevor McDonald documentary-makers found evidence of body
Mary Bastholm served in the Gloucester eaterie then called The Pop In and now called The Clean Plate
TV company making a documentary about the unsolved case found evidence of a body in the basement
Sir Trevor McDonald declines to comment but he is understood to be making West documentary for ITV
Fred West was a regular customer at the cafe and may even have helped lay the concrete floor there in 1968
12 known victims of Fred and Rose West - including their children. (PA) Evidence of a suspected victim of Fred West has been found by a film crew at a café in Gloucester. A dog was recently taken to the site by a TV documentary team which is said to have shown a positive reaction in the basement. 53 years after the disappearance, Gloucestershire Police said they had found evidence that a body could be buried within The Clean Plate café in Southgate Street, Gloucester, and are linking it to the disappearance of 15-year-old Mary Bastholm.
A police tent outside The Clean Plate cafe in Southgate Street, Gloucester.. (PA)