With respect to the black community because this is a period during which the ideology of supremacy was supreme. Owning homes and driving cars and wearing beautiful clothesnaf some folks in tulsa. And people are familiar with the k. K. K. And had an enormous presence. That was a factor. Addo the mix the media and in called the one local media an u tribune and we had a powder keg in tulsa to ignite the racial violence that occurred on may 31 and june 1. Host you mentioned the newspaper. A feature, state history. You one of the notables who worked on researching and on the tulsa] massacre. And brought new attention to a subject long ignored with over 100 people deadnd 1,000 buildings destroyed. How does Something Like that get to be . Guest it is ignored as a deliberate decision on the part of people who are in power and occupy positions of privilege. Host wh did you the term massacre race. Guest when the incidentâ– occurred, and referred to as race riots. And in the last 10 years or so