I was honestly concerned he might lie about the nature of our meeting, so i thought it really important to document. Comeys testimony rocks washington. Reaction to comeys testimony . Thank you very much. Do you think he told the truth . The president never directed or suggested that mr. Comey stop investigating anyone. Somebody asked me, does it bother you that he called the president a liar . Everybody in town calls the president a liar. Jim comey probably perjored himself. He fired the fbi whos the head of his investigation. What the hell did he think was going to happen . He felt pain. He felt hurt. He was a wounded man. It was dumb. The guy he thought he swatted off the board is basically running d. C. Comey is saying comey dont play that. The uk election will officially result in is a hung parliament. That could mean big trouble for Prime Minister theresa may. Its been a remarkable story. Heartstopping video from illinois after several hot air balloons got all tangled up together.
He might lie about the nature o our meeting and so i thought it really important to document. Comeys testimony rocks washington. Any reaction . Thank you very much. Do you think he told the truth . The president never directed or suggested that mr. Comey stopped investigating anyone. Somebody asked me did it bother me that he called the president a liar. Jim comey probably perjured himself. We now know hes the leaker. He fired the head of the fbi who was leading the investigation. What in the hell did he think was going to happen. He fell pain. He was hurt. He was the guy who got dumped. Hes basically running d. C. Comey is saying comey dont play that. It officially hung resulted hung parliament. Heartsstopping in illinois as a pair of balloons got tangled up. A mama bear giving her cubs a little climbing lesson. Oh, my god. He scores. Total abomination by the penguins. And all that matters do you believe donald trump colluded with russia . Thats a question i dont think i should answer
If republicans still spending hundreds of billions on healthcare is mean, tell me what constitutes nice . Its still covering people with preexisting conditions is heartless, what shows heart . If keeping kids on your policy longer matters when democrats do it, how about republicans . If democrats bemoaning the republicans about paying for it, makes then clueless . If barack obama calls it a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, wasnt he the one that started this transfer in reverse exploding costs on the poor and the rich . No, this is not about a massive transfer of wealth. Its about a massive departure from reality. Im the geek here. Ive done the math. What is mean, my friends, is doubling premiums you promised would stay low. What is mean is limiting options for care when you promised they would have plenty of options for care. What is mean is saying you can keep your doctor when you cant keep your doctor. What is mean is forcing young people to pay up for coverage w
American Investment Services Inc. decreased its stake in SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 Value ETF (NYSEARCA:SPYV – Free Report) by 0.8% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The firm owned 63,508 shares of the company’s stock after selling 530 shares during the period. American Investment Services […]
Proquility Private Wealth Partners LLC trimmed its stake in shares of Fidelity MSCI Utilities Index ETF (NYSEARCA:FUTY – Free Report) by 66.9% in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 11,402 shares of the company’s stock after selling 23,034 […]