technical standpoint. lying in state is typically reserved for presidents. the last time we had someone lie in state was the late senator from hawaii who laid in state after he died in 2012. billy graham will be lying in honor. there have only been three other figures who have lay in honor here. this is a new phenomenon of the past 20 years. no one in the history of the republic lay in honor before 1998 when they had two u.s. capitol police officers shot and killed in a shoot-out at the capitol in 1998. jacob chestnut and john gibbson were killed at the capitol and rosa parks in 2005. billy graham will be the fourth person to lie in honor. it looks the same. one of the other differences and something i learned in the past 30 minutes or so is the wooden platform they will put his casket on. there is an historic katafoc that states back to president
die from opioids. last congress we actually passed something that dealt with this and we put more money in for op oids. energy and commerce is holding a hearing today and ways and means of ways we can cure this problem. this is an epidemic across the united states reaching every area. bill: a lot of folks wondering what s the hold-up. finally billy graham. what does this day mean to you and to lawmakers today lying in honor? it s a very solemn day. billy graham will only be the fourth american who will lie in honor. he deserves that honor for the way he carried his life. the character and the number of people that he had reached with the message and the love of jesus christ. i just think billy graham, when you look back, he was an individual that reached across the aisle to all presidents and the individual that deserves the right to lie in honor and you will find many members of congress there today to pay
honor in the rotunda. only the fourth citizen ever to do it. the first two were police officer jacob chestnut and john gibson who were killed in the line of duty in 1998 at the capital. the third civil rights pioneer rosa parks in 2005. as you can imagine, paul ryan who played a role in making this happen says it is a very special day. if any american whose life and life s work deserves to be honored by laying in honor in the us capital it is billy graham. it is an honor for us in the capital to receive rev. graham s casket and greet his family. that is something we are proud to do. reporter: lying in honor is different from lying in state which is preserved for presidents like kennedy who lied in state but let me tell you about 10:00 am, the motorcade
mueller to do his job and to bring this to a close what are the outcome is. the longer it goes it more it looks like the president and his immediate family did nothing wrong. they have nothing to hide, continue to cooperate. harris: she agrees with that america s pastor lying in honor in u.s. capitol row tundra. public invited to pay respects. stay close.
capital plaza here behind me. and at 10:30 the graham family will gather outside here. the president s motorcade will come. and at 10:45 the procession carrying graham s casket will asend those steps i just showed you here and at 10:55 the casket will enter the rotunda. here in attendance president trump and vice president pence paul ryan as well as majority leader mitch mcconnell. speaker ryan said it is quite an historic day. here is what he had to say yesterday. if there is any american whose life and life s work deserves to be honored by laying in honor in the u.s. capitol it s billy graham. so it s an honor for us here in the capitol to receive reverend graham s casket and to greet his family. so, that s something we are very proud to do. griff: lying in honor is different than lying in state. that s leave reserved for