ththe virus ththat causess shshingles is s sleeping. in 9 99% of peopople over 5. it s lying g dormant, in 9 99% of peopople over 5. waiting... anand could reactivate. shshingles strtrikes as a paiainful, waiting... anand could reactivate. blisistering rasash thatat can last t for weeks. and it couould wake at a any time. blisistering rasash thatat can last t for weeks. thinink you re n not at risk fofor shingleses? it s time e to wake upup. because shshingles could d wake up inin you. it s time e to wake upup. if youou re over 5 50, talk to yoyour doctorr or phaharmacist if youou re over 5 50, ababout shinglgles preventnt. we re back now with america s retailers, they did not get what they wanted for christmas. after disappointing sales they re trying to get you back in to the stores by offering huge discounts. here s stephanie gosk. reporter: not sure what to do with all the downtime this