What can Berlin do against anti-Muslim racism?
A commission of experts convenes today to investigate systemic discrimination of Muslims - starting with the Berlin justice department itself.
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Photo: imago images/Patrick Scheiber
Commemorating the one-year anniversary of the racist attack in Hanau in which nine people were killed.
Berlin - In light of the attack in Hanau one year ago, have we done enough against anti-Muslim racism? The question came up last week at Berlin s department for justice, consumer protection and anti-discrimination. Senator Dirk Behrendt (Greens) announced an expert commission against anti-Muslim racism, which meets for the first time today.
How Berlin is marking one year since the Hanau attack
Public vigils and demonstrations are planned. A consortium tackling Islamophobic hate will also be formed. Maria Häußler, Elizabeth Rushton, 19.2.2021 - 13:47 Uhr
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Photo: Imago/Patrick ScheiberA vigil in Hanau following the events of 19 February 2020.
Berlin - Today marks one year since nine people were killed in a racist shooting in the city of Hanau that shocked Germany. The gunman specifically targeted people with immigrant backgrounds, and later shot his mother and then himself.
A number of events are taking place across Berlin today and tomorrow to remember the victims. The commemorations are being organised by the Hanau Gedenken alliance (Remember Hanau), which consists of the organisations Migrantifa Berlin, Aktionsbündnis Antirassismus, Kein Generalverdacht, Roma Trial e.V., Young Struggle and We ll Come United.