<div class="at-above-post addthis tool" data-url="https://www.metro.us/medical-tourism-traveling-outside-us-for-care-is-common/"></div>The recent kidnapping of four Americans in Mexico highlights a common practice for many people in the U.S.: traveling to other countries for medical care that either is not available at home or costs a lot less. The four were abducted leading to the deaths of two during a trip to Mexico that […]<! AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get the excerpt ><div class="at-below-post addthis tool" data-url="https://www.metro.us/medical-tourism-traveling-outside-us-for-care-is-common/"></di