Saturday, 02 Jan 2021
Western frontrunners (such as Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca-Oxford and Moderna) have already completed phase three trails and publicly released data that has been reviewed by regulators in Europe, the UK and the United States
I started writing this column during the last financial crises in 2008 – so far, close to 250 columns! Published like clockwork; didn’t miss any: started with once every fortnight and lately, once a month. Each piece took-on an event, occurrence, issue of current public interest.
The columns were well received. Readers wanted more diversity – they hoped for views on wide-ranging political-economic issues that matter.
In response, this column will now be restructured to appear once in three weeks – giving a brief running commentary on what’s going on in the political-economic situation worldwide, and other matters of current interest.