WATERTOWN â The Lundy Group of Companies has divested one of its companies, Northern Developers, LLC, in a sale to local businessmen Jake Johnson and Robert Ferris.
The sale involves a holding company, Northern Developers, LLC, and consists of the Penske Building and adjacent lot in the Jefferson County Industrial Park and Family Dollar stores in West Carthage and Lake Placid.
The sale, which was finalized on Dec. 31, was announced in a news release by Michael E. Lundy, president of The Lundy Group of Companies.
Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the assets of the company are valued in excess of $6 million, he said.
WATERTOWN â Jay Smith likes the amount of space provided in his companyâs new location that the Cazenovia Equipment Company opened on Monday as the first business in the agri-biz park on Route 3 in the town of Watertown.
The company merged two smaller locations in Sandy Creek and Burrville into a 25,000-square-foot facility in the Thousand Islands International Agriculture and Business Park, located near the BOCES complex.
Cazenovia Equipment offers residential, commercial and agricultural parts, sales and service for its John Deere, Honda and Stihl product lines.
âItâs just the size of it, just the amount of space we have,â Mr. Smith, the companyâs corporate turf sales manager, said.