Madagascar the Musical, an adaptation of the hit DreamWorks animation, is coming to Hong Kong. Producer Matthew Gregory talks about the challenges of putting on a big show.
Acclaimed singer-songwriter syd hartha puts her eclecticism on full display with the release of her new single "3:15" out today via Sony Music Entertainment. The song finds the young, multi-talented artist collaborating for the first time with
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From left, front, Sophie Berger and Calleigh Frederickson; back, Carter and Hunter Dauer
NEW ULM Four area youth seventh-graders Calleigh Frederickson, Sophie Berger and Hunter Dauer, and second-grader Carter Dauer advanced to Destination Imagination’s Global Finals after placing third in the Affiliate (state) Tournament in the Scientific Challenge at the middle school level. The group, called Lunchbox Productions, will compete virtually with middle school teams from across the globe June 7-22.
The kids of Lunchbox Productions created a video presentation of their story that fulfilled several specific objectives and solved a problem set out by Destination Imagination (DI). In the Scientific Challenge, they were directed to explore what would happen if a scientific law were broken. In addition, the team completed a shorter Instant Challenge, which this year meant a challenge that had to be solved and submitted by video in the span of three days. Scores from