Director George Clooney both begins and ends “The Boys in the Boat ” on a sun-dappled lake. It’s a seductive sight, calm and soothing, and aptly reflects the ethos of a film that often feels like one has walked into an oil painting: well-crafted, lovely to look at, and rather old-fashioned.
You can’t deny the simple charm of “The Boys in the Boat,” which transports us back to a hard-to-imagine time when people crowded around radios to hear the play-by-play, er, row-by-row call of a big match.
You can’t deny the simple charm of “The Boys in the Boat,” which transports us back to a hard-to-imagine time when people crowded around radios to hear the play-by-play, er, row-by-row call of a big match.
"The Boys in the Boat" is the sort of movie they don t make anymore the sort of movie that used to win Academy Awards and slip smoothly into our collective reservoir of images.
You can’t deny the simple charm of “The Boys in the Boat,” which transports us back to a hard-to-imagine time when people crowded around radios to hear the play-by-play, er, row-by-row call of a big match.