HATFIELD Concerns are brewing about the viability of the town’s current ambulance service, prompting officials to examine whether the town should invest more to keep the service going or look at contracting the services out to outside agencies.Even.
HATFIELD At one time, Hatfield firefighters could use two vacant former school buildings near the fire station to train and prepare for disasters and other emergency responses.But since the Center School was converted into condominiums in recent.
‘A breath of spring”: That’s how Luke Longstreeth, owner of Mountainside Maple Farm in Hatfield, describes the recent arrival of maple sugaring season to the Valley the first local crop of the agricultural new year.“It’s such a finite season where.
‘A breath of spring”: That’s how Luke Longstreeth, owner of Mountainside Maple Farm in Hatfield, describes the recent arrival of maple sugaring season to the Valley the first local crop of the agricultural new year.“It’s such a finite season where.