Tony LaRussa | Tribune-Review
McCandless officials are considering holding an organized archery deer hunt to help reduce the growing deer population, which is blamed for causing vehicle accidents, spreading Lyme disease through the ticks they carry and gnawing away at expensive landscaping.
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McCandless council is mulling whether to move forward with the second phase of its program to curtail the deer population an organized archery hunt.
Following recommendations from state game officials and other experts in deer population management, council in March enacted a ban on residents purposely placing food out to feed deer.
space flight company, spacex blasted off an hour ago from cape canaveral, launched the unmanned dragon capsule to the international space station. the world s first commercial space station supply flight. nasa hanging its hopes on the mission now that the retired space shuttles are museum exhibits. john zerella is live in miami. i was watching you as it went into space. no glitches this time, right? reporter: no glitches, this is huge. you cannot understate how important this launch is. it paves the way for a whole new era in space flight. the white house releasing a statement saying it represents the potential for new era in american space flight. only four nations in the world have the capability and have ever actually rendezvoused and docked with the international space station. what spacex is attempting to do is to do pretty much just that. to send a spacecraft to the international space station and rendezvous, not dock in this case, but berth. the station s robotic arm
mayor, corey booker speaking out about the bain private equity debate. hear what he had to say about his critics and the president. and a major slide in facebook s stock. a big deal, and a big drop. details, straight ahead. good morning, everyone and welcome to early start. i m ashley banfield. and i m zoraida sambolin. up first, boldly going where no private spacecraft has gone before. zero and launch of the spacex falcon 9 rocket as nasa turns to the private secretary tore resupply the international space station. what a sight, huh? it happened not too long ago, a rocket built by the commercial space flight company, spacex blasted off an hour ago from cape canaveral, launched the unmanned dragon capsule to the international space station. the world s first commercial space station supply flight. nasa hanging its hopes on the mission now that the retired space shuttles are museum exhibits. john zerella is live in miami. i was watching you as it went into space. no