Have been trained in iranian medicine. See and pass medical services iran is provided with Health Insurance coverage, we also have a legal obligation for this part of the health system, which includes three services from iranian Medicine Services and also in the insurance package, which is coordinated with the iranian and supplementary office, which, when it is finalized, with the end and prioritization that they want this proposal to be in the Supreme Council of insurance and insurance, and god willing, this service will be added to the basic Health Insurance services, and i hope that every year something will happen and iranian Priority Services will be formed in our foot insurance. People stating that the request for extension or issuance dont postpone the arbaeen passports until the last days. He informed about providing a discount on the cost of sending pilgrimage passports. With the good cooperation we were able to establish with the police force , we have approximately 75 of tra
Has printed its contract and signed the designers plan to organize Real Estate Companies, focus on the inspectors, identify and deal with bombs without permission from the ministry of commerce and trade Union Affairs council, it shows everyone that this person does not have the right to work, the letter of the ministry of commerce from our point of view, a report is drawn up and sent to the court of justice. Mobile phone calls without interception code, receiving extra commission , having a business license and falsifying documents are among the most important violations of some Real Estate Companies. Interception 16 is an example of using another token that is always authentic and forging a signature. It is a questionable point to trust some people. Unlicensed food is not allowed. The ownership document of the people who maintain the ninja threat has provided the original of its property document to this Company Without a business license, which daily i cant make it easy to buy and se