Thank you for joining the Virtual Forum hosted by the institute of politics and public service, commonly referred to as g. U. Politics. My name is matt percy and i am a student in the school of public policy. In my time at georgetown, i have had the opportunity to attend many discussion groups and special events. I can part of a team launching a Student Organization in the court migration andy policy initiative. It is a tremendous honor to introduce our guest tonight, senator mitt romney. Growing up in utah, i can see the 2002 Winter Olympics ski jumps from my backyard. Senator romneys leadership saved in the olympics and transformed my home state. From cofounding band capital to serving as governor of massachusetts, to running as the republican nominee for president , to representing the great state of utah in the u. S. Senate, he has exhibited the best of American Leadership in the private and public sectors. Getting results while maintaining the upmost character and integrity. Senat
It is a tremendous honor to introduce our guest tonight, senator mitt romney. Growing up in utah, i can see from002 olympic ski jumps my backyard. Senator romney helped save those olympics and forever transformed my home state. From running for president turnout representing the state of utah in the senate he has exhibited the best of American Leadership in private and public sectors, getting results well detaining the utmost character and integrity. Thank you for being here to share your perspective with us tonight. Tonights event is cosponsored by the College Republicans and the Bipartisan Coalition. I will now handed over to our moderator for the evening, the geopolitics executive director. Matt, thank you for your generous introduction, and for your continued participation, not just at the institute, but your leadership at the mcchord school. I want to thank the georgetown andege republicans Bipartisan Coalition for joining us and putting on this event. I want to thank all of you w