Im becoming irritated. Im becoming impatient. Its a ticking time bomb. And an accused murderer in a highprofile case. Hello . Tries to cash in on her notoriety. 150,000 will cover everything i need. Talk, man. Why yall outside . Yall get behind the door. Come on, yall. At the Hillsborough County jail in tampa, florida, 24yearold rookie deputy maurice pressey has learned to deal with the intimidation factor of his job. First day by myself, id be lying if i didnt tell you i was nervous. Its 72 on one. Pressey, who is unarmed during his shifts, is the only deputy locked in a housing unit with 72 inmates. Most are not convicted, but are ail awaiting trial for charges including assault, robbery and murder. When you tell people what you do, they say, man, i dont see how you do it. 72 people, you know, all walks of life, that done all types of crime. At many jails, officers monitor units like this from secured control centers. But at Hillsborough County, they spend their shifts on the floor i
because there s absolutely nobody to talk to, nothing to hear, nothing to listen. you don t have any human contact. if an inmate is on a suicide watch or direct observation, we can t have him running around where he could run up the stairs and jump off and so forth. it s when restrictions are lifted he gets his telephone or recreation or whatever other privileges are provided. to me, it kind of defeats the purpose, because if you re not suicidal, being succumbed to the circumstances in that unit will get you there, because it will create a lot of anger, a lot of impatience, to where, okay, you want to say i m suicidal? well, now i am. now i am going to try to kill myself. but today, harris gets a short break from his cell while deputies perform a routine inspection. inmates can be really creative. they hollow out books and stash weapons or drugs or possible medication in there. i just want to shake everything out and make sure no medication is going to fall out.
to give a very theatrical statement after i give my statement, about how i m a menace to society and what i allegedly did. this was a very tumultuous trial. the court s made some serious assertions as to what i did or didn t do irrespective of looking at all the evidence, so i don t need a chastising. i know what you re about to say. i m familiar with your reputation. anything further? no, your honor. mr. harris, without question, you are probably one of the most manipulative, controlling persons that i have ever had the displeasure of coming in front of me in the past 20 years. you are a very, very dangerous person. and one of the things that was most resounding that came out of your own mouth at your very first trial, when you addressed the jury, the first thing you said was i am no monster. to the contrary, mr. harris, you
bayshore boulevard. five days ago, i was convicted. i didn t think i was going to be convicted. luis harris is awaiting sentencing after being found guilty by a jury on all counts of sexual battery, kidnapping, impersonating a police officer, grand theft, and fraudulent use of credit cards. the defendant is guilty of sexual battery as charged. the defendant is guilty of kidnapping as charged. i felt weak at my knees. i started crying. i became very emotional. i stopped paying attention to the rest of the verdict that was being read, once the first guilty verdict came back. i already knew what was going to be there after. prosecutors say six months earlier, harris, who once attended a police academy, posed as an undercover cop and pulled over a woman driving along bayshore boulevard late at night. he handcuffed the 28-year-old
are a monster. you use the guise of law enforcement to take control over your victims so you can have your way with them. those days are over, mr. harris. those days are over. i don t interrupt me, mr. harris. you had your opportunity. now i m going to have mine. you re referring to your day is over, mr. harris. it s not going to happen again. i m going to sentence you to life in the florida state prison. so make no mistake, from this point in time, and for the rest of your life, you will be controlled by the department of corrections of the state of florida. after sentencing, most inmates are returned to jail for a few days and then transferred to state prison. get him out of my courtroom. you have 30 days in which to appeal the sentence of the court.