There are ways to make it work better. I can only have so much money. Im going to enforce the broken laws, im going to try to do it the best i can. Easy give me resource money to deport them because they are here without documents, let me go after the criminals, the drug dealers, guys trying to do us harm before after before i go after the kid in school who might be the valedictorian. President opposed a program called deferred action for children, daca. Kids who were brought into this country usually through their parents when they were very small and have spent most of their life in this country and most of them do not remember the home country they came from. Many have gone on to be valid dorians and many are going to great universities. Rather than go after those folks and trying to hunt them down, let me have down the ones trying to sell drugs to our kids. Using his discretion on how to use the resources to deport people in the country without documents. That is the use of executi