“I was expecting stress,” Kristen Olsen said as she awaited her train at Union Station on Tuesday. Olsen was traveling through Connecticut on her way to.
There needs to be rigorous monitoring of the use by provincial governments and schools of the existing budget should to inform any decision on whether increased funding is the answer to the country's foundation phase reading problem, writes Penny Vinjevold and Marion Mbina-Mthembu.
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How to ensure marginalised learners don’t remain behind
Wednesday May 12 2021
It may not be sufficient, but the effort to fund education is notable.
The free primary and subsidized day secondary education, the ongoing curriculum reforms as well as teacher training to enhance their capacity to deliver have been made possible due to dedicated funding streams.
There is goodwill from the government on matters education financing. It may not be sufficient, but the effort to fund education is notable. The free primary and subsidized day secondary education, the ongoing curriculum reforms as well as teacher training to enhance their capacity to deliver have been made possible due to dedicated funding streams.