The South African police’s Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI), commonly known as the Hawks, are looking for Namibian national Simon Hidjapo in connection with a burglary which took place at president Cyril Ramaphosa’s Phala Phala farm in 2020.
Imanuwela David, Froliana Joseph, and David Joseph stand accused of breaking into President Cyril Ramaphosa s farm and stealing $580,000 in cash in 2020 and the state believes it has a strong case.
The state said it cannot verify his permanent residence and the investigating officer - Ludi Schnelle said David goes in out of the country willy-nilly.
Investigating officer, Ludi Schnelle, on Thursday testified that Imanuwela David told him he was shot in 2022 while at a hotel in Richards Bay as he attempted to flee the country in fear for his safety.