Democracy in any country is as good as its citizens make of it at any point of time, regardless of its history and tradition.
For all the shock and awe the Trumpian mob created, yielding telling footage of constitutional process gone all awry, democracy prevailed, neither the mob nor its instigator.
There once was an American president, whose remarks at a memorial to the war dead still serve as a concise definition of democracy: government of the people, by the people, for the people. Today, 157 years later, we have another American president who incites an insurrection against the Republic and its Constitution, because he cannot accept that he lost the election, labels the victor a Chinese Communist and tells a mob that Americans cannot prevail with weakness.
American Business Backs Democracy
Quick takes, analyses and macro-level views on all contemporary economic, financial and political events.
The Georgia senate races on January 5, critical for the Biden presidency’s ability to legislate via a majority in the Senate, in addition to the majority his party, the Democrats, already have in the House of Representatives, saw the contending parties spend a combined $800 million.
This comes from individual contributions to each candidate’s campaign and donations, mostly from business, to political action committees. Business is a big player in American politics. And it has chosen to back democracy and decry attempts to thwart it, staged by President Trump and his Republican followers in the Senate and the House of Representatives.