A study in the Journal of Early Childhood Research shows that early childhood education and care (ECEC) significantly benefits language development and problem-solving skills in children aged 5 to 23 months, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Called a “passionate advocate of developmentally appropriate, immersive learning” and a “guiding light” by members of organizations she lent her time to, Sarah Gray Gund is a person who has left her mark on Riverdale and the special educational field.
We present an excerpt from the introduction of Pictured Worlds: Masterpieces of Children’s Book Art by 101 Essential Illustrators from Around the World, by historian Leonard S. Marcus.
Since its publication on September 3, 1947, the book has lulled children around the world to sleep with its dreamy tradition of bidding "goodnight" to everything in the "great green room."
<strong>Editorial:</strong> Margaret Wise Brown made a point of listening to children, and trying to see the world as they saw it. She has been rewarded by decades of loyalty