Donna Mulligan, from Monaghan in Ireland, who appeared on stage at the racecourse where she was presented with her £5,000 cheque by Coronation Street star Helen Flanagan.
The brands to grow your kidswear offer
Schoolchildren were among the first to be liberated from lockdown last month – and as their parents turn their attention to outings, meet-ups and maybe even holidays, they will be wanting to do so in new outfits. Drapers brings you the brands to look for.
She’s Fierce by Cara
Schoolgirl Cara Mailey has created the UK’s first bespoke clothing collection for young girls with achondroplasia. The 12-year-old from Belfast has a bone disorder characterised by dwarfism and was tired of not being able to buy clothes from the same places as her friends.
BBC News
By Annabel Rackham
image captionOh Polly s signature going out dresses
Last year probably all started with big ambitions for our wardrobes and what new pieces we were going to add to it.
Maybe a few bits for the summer holiday you d just booked, a dress for a friend s wedding or even something fun for a festival.
But by March 2020 that had all changed and with lockdown looming, it looked like the only thing worth buying was joggers and maybe something to convince us to do some exercise. A lot of the British public felt this way - with official figures showing that people bought way less clothes than usual.