disingenuous when the transparency you re offering is a three and a half page summary of what you believe as a republican member of the intel committee are the important bits of the investigation of a package of intelligence you haven t reviewed yourself. and willie, by the way, you know they won t of course if it were about transparency they would let the democrats response go out there so americans could judge both sides. this suspect about transparency. this is as donald trump said a political hit job against robert mueller and rod rosenstein. he wants to kill the investigation. he is obstructing justice again. it goes to the intent, this man has been about nothing but obstructing justice since he asked james comey to kill an investigation against his national security adviser despite the fact he admitted that he knew he had committed a crime. we have the aforementioned steve schmidt, lucky us, sitting right next to me on the set. we should point out, steve, that paul ryan is
about. he has spoken with james comey several times, burrchairman burd ranking member mark warner have met with andrew mccabe. they ve asked mccabe to hand over any of the memos that comey kept. chairman burr says he doesn t expect to get those memos before thursday s hearing, christine, dave. jessica, thank you. a reminder, cnn will have full coverage of the comey testimony, thursday at 9:00 a.m. eastern, early start begins extra early thursday and friday, lucky us. 3:00 a.m. eastern time. at least one bar in d.c. is opening up clearly for the comey hearings and serving what they call russian vodka favors and fbi sandwich itself. i wonder what the drinking order is going to be, what is
gender into the conversation. lucky us. by looking for a pinata, they found one in susan rice. notice how it s always a female. that s true. basically they re defaming her because she s a woman, maybe because she s a black woman, they didn t like her during benghazi. you ve got to be kidding me! i hadn t seen that audio. because she s a black woman. that s crazy! as a woman, nothing infuriates me more, as a woman and so she can t get to the truth because she s black and a woman? you can t be serious. i don t know what the motivations for that black woman illusion is, but it undermines me as a black woman. are we less capable, less accountable and credible than
after stalling for the past few sessions. a jump start after the session opened. we re going to announce something over the next two or three weeks that will be phenomenal in terms of tax. phenomenal in two or three weeks. after he said, that the dow jumped 100 points and held on to the gains to hit a record high. a giant thing to do if he can get tax reform done. a lot of work to do. let s see what is coming up on new day. chris cuomo. lucky us. he is talking to us. not only could that be a huge thing, but a great thing for the president if he can get something done. give him a broad base appeal. two stories this morning. the first is the obvious. what happened with the ninth circuit ruling? four options for the white house now. we will take you through them. remember, this was a decision on
their close personal aides. lucky us. right. it s short-sighted, like bill said. he is president. he now has to get something done. on the gorsuch thing, you know, if he could look a little further ahead, what gorsuch did was actually good to demonstrate his independence. it s not enough to get democratic votes, but he did demonstrate some independence. nothing happens in those meetings. i have been in them. sherpa meetings. that is not completely planned. i am sure the white house knew exactly what was going to be said in the meeting. it was no surprise. they knew the question would come up. so it was a pretty good handle li ing of the question. further than you would expect other nominees to go. they should have let it go rather than knocking it down. i have had plenty of people in trump world even admit, if they could sit his twitter away for the last three weeks they think he d be sitting at at