Our message is peace, hope, community and family
Author of the article: Jennifer Hamilton-McCharles
Publishing date: Feb 16, 2021 • February 16, 2021 • 1 minute read • East Ferris Mayor Pauline Rochefort was joined by Denis Valiquette, Denise Perron Beaupre and Lucie Laperriere Rochefort over the weekend to create a snow sculpture outside Paroisse St-Thomas-d Aquin in Astorville. This year marked the 100th anniversary of the East Ferris carnival. jpg, NB
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It wasn’t quite the way the East Ferris carnival committee wanted to celebrate the event’s 100th anniversary.
But they made the best out of a difficult situation. Pandemic protocols forced the committee to change the schedule and traditional events East Ferris families enjoy each year.