You’ll be howling at the moon over our expanded Halloween events listings this weekend, or perhaps growling and purring with less costumed capers in arts events.
Story at a glance On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said it’s going to be difficult to bring down the price of gas in the U.S. as the war in Ukraine continues. In early March,…
Community leaders, business owners and others who are interested are invited to take part in a virtual event highlighting making their businesses â and the world â more sustainable.
Texas A&M University-Central Texas College of Business Administration will showcase local experts and speakers from around the world during a two-day virtual conference on the topic of sustainability, beginning Thursday.
Keynote speakers will include Page Motes, of director of sustainability at Dell Technologies; Stuart Hart, academic writer and founder of Enterprise for a Sustainable World; Lucia Athens, chief sustainability officer of the city of Austin; and Alan Court, senior advisor to the WHO and ambassador for global strategy.
During the worst of last month s
Winter Storm Uri, images of Downtown Austin with its lights ablaze circulated widely on social media, prompting outrage among Austinites going days without power or heat or water. The city center retained electric service because it includes critical infrastructure like the Capitol Complex alongside its office and condo towers. But what if those buildings could produce enough energy on-site to be self-sufficient when the Texas power grid, inevitably, fails again?
That s the kind of construction the
Urban Land Institute s
Greenprint Center for Building Performance – a worldwide alliance of real estate owners, investors, and partners in 32 different countries – is trying to incentivize, aiming for a goal of