Limited Run Games Reveals First E3 Presentation Details
The all-digital E3 2021 event is set to kick-off next month, and Limited Run Games has now officially announced first details regarding its plans for the show. Fans of the publisher can tune in Monday June 14th at 4 p.m. ET on Twitch for LRG3, the company s annual showcase. At this time, there are very few details regarding what games will be shown off, but Limited Run Games has confirmed fans can expect details on a physical release for
Lucasfilm Classic Games: Zombies Ate My Neighbors and
Ghoul Patrol. The news comes less than 24 hours after company owner Josh Fairhurst shared his excitement about the upcoming compilation.
Tune in: Limited Run Games will hold its annual presentation on June 14
Get your wallets ready!
Ah, Limited Run Games. The bane of my wallet’s existence. It seems there is always a listing for something outrageously cool popping up from the company that values physical games. Last year, the corporation decided to give gamers a preview of what it had in store with a video conference. Limited Run Games is doing the same thing next month, as June 14 is the date of its annual presentation.
I can’t keep charging my credit card like this, Limited Run Games
LRG announced its show with a tweet confirming it will do a physical run of the recently announced