And the more of it i use the less that we can use for dialogue between you guys and the director. Director comey is here to talk about encryption and the problems it creates for Law Enforcement. This is a subject that a number of people here testified to the amount of interest in the subject all over the place right now, postsnowden, post a lot of debates about surveillance reform. Mr. Comey has a different perspective about the impact related to the federal and state Law Enforcement. The format will be simple. He is going to give a relatively brief set of remarks. I am going to ask we are going to move to a conversational format, ask a few questions, and then we will go to you and use as much of the time as possible for questions from the udience. When i do that, we are going to do that, you know, as trying to do it in as uninterrupted format as possible. Please signal to me if you want to get in, and wait for the mike to come around, and introduce yourself by your name and organizati