R.I. Senate approves ban on plastic bags
THE RHODE ISLAND SENATE on Tuesday approved legislation that would ban retailers from offering single-use plastic bags. A number of municipalities have enacted bag bans already, including Barrington stores such as the Shaw s pictured here. Above, Lucas Flavin bags groceries at Shaw s supermarket in Barrington before the local ban was enacted. The store no longer uses plastic bags. / PBN FILE PHOTO/DAVID LEVESQUE
PROVIDENCE – A proposal to ban single-use plastic bags statewide has again cleared the Senate, though House support remains uncertain.
The bag ban legislation sponsored by Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio, D-Providence, was passed by the Senate in 34-2 vote on Tuesday. The bill stops retailers from offering single-use or nonrecyclable plastic bags to customers in stores or through deliveries. Instead, they are “encouraged” to offer reusable alternatives such as cloth or paper bags with stitched handles, or cardboard boxes