all trade ties with russia. and cases of monkey pox spreading here in europe. how alarm should we be and what can we do now to protect ourselves? ah, i m burned gov. it s good to have you with us. it was a trial of huge symbolic significant. she cranes 1st war crimes trial since the beginning of the war. and the sentence have set a clear president life in prison for a 21 year old russian soldier who pleaded guilty to killing an unarmed civilian. ukrainian officials say that there will be many more cases like this 3 months into this war. they say they re already investigating some, 13000 potential war cry. in a courtroom in chief punishment for a crime committed during war. a russian tank commander convicted of killing a 62 old civilian in a village in northeastern ukraine. based on the above, the court has ruled that vadim ye if gain of ish, marin bourne october 17th 2000. as we found guilty of committing a criminal offense on the part youth article 438 of the criminal code o