SIF Italia Spa announced Thursday that its board of directors has resolved to no longer consider the investment held in Visibilia Editore Spa to be strategic, also taking into account that the.
Reduced losses and slightly increased value of production. Visibilia Editore Spa reported Thursday that it closed a positive first half of the year from a financial point of view but tumultuous in.
On Wednesday, major European stock markets confirm expectations and all open in positive territory, with the London Stock Exchange doing better than all for the second consecutive day in opening.
Piazza Affari moved to the parity line in mid-session Wednesday after the release of some macro data for Italy and the Eurozone. Italy s consumer confidence index dropped to 106.5 points from 106.7.
The following stocks are the best and worst performers on Italy Growth Tuesday afternoon in Piazza Affari. - WINNERS Visibilia Editore - contrary to yesterday - rises 31 percent..