Henry Menkiti, COO, Asharami Energy
Asharami Energy has achieved 1, 852,052 man-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) across operations driven by global safety and health (OSH) standards.
At Asharami Energy, we have responsible HSSE policies which align our upstream operations, community relations, procurement, environmental, social and governance impact with global best practice.” Henry Menkiti, COO, Asharami Energy
LAGOS, NIGERIA, May 4, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/
Asharami Energy, a Sahara Group Upstream Company, has achieved 1, 852,052 man-hours without Lost Time Injury (LTI) across operations driven by responsible engineering and unwavering commitment to global occupational safety and health (OSH) standards.
This feat represents LTI-free man-hours over 873 days of zero work related incidents, enabled by the company’s robust Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) policies. In 2020, Asharami achieved 1,712,295 LTI-free man-hours, a record that surpasses the in