cyber to take down our government si systems our banking systems. it s almost a one-two punch where it s there is a cyber attack and coupled with an explosive attack to amplify the affects of one another, jenna. jenna: something to pay attention to. catherine, thank you. reporter: you re welcome. jon: we ve told you president obama is making a big push to control guns taking his plan on the road for the first time right now he s on his way to the minnesota on his way to minnesota to try to rally public support. meanwhile there is a raging debate over how to keep the guns out. hands of people with a history of meant reillness. william la jeunesse live in our west coast newsroom with a look at what can be done to keep dangerous people from getting guns. william. reporter: well, jon there are two problems, one is getting people who show signs of mental instability evaluated before they are danger to selfor others. the second is getting those who are a danger into the background