So glad I'm able to have this conversation with my friend, Dr. Richard Boothby. Rick is an author who teaches at Loyola Univ of Maryland. He has an interest and expertise in Psychoanalysis and Philosophical Psychology as well as religion, Christianity, and love. His two recent books have influenced me: Embracing the Void: Rethinking the Origin of the Sacred, which we'll refer to more in a part II conversation, and Blown Away: Refinding Life After My Son's Suicide. If you're thinking that neither of these books sounds particularly hopeful, let me encourage you to avoid jumping to that conclusion. Love, for those looking for it, is woven throughout the pages of both works. Pretty interesting. Make sure you're on my newsletter, which can be found at jonathan foster on Substack. And I hope you've picked up a copy of indigo: the color of grief. A colleague of mine emailed a bit ago and said, This is the most embodied, healing work on grief I've ever read. So, tha